Source code for gkit.core.functions

from functools import reduce
from osgeo import ogr
import numpy as np

from .raster import Raster

[docs]def split_by_shp(raster, shp_path, by=None, overall=False): """Split rasters into several parties by polygons from shapefile. Args: raster (Raster or list of Raster): One or more rasters. shp_path (str): Shapefile path. by (str): Field name, used to group polygons.(default=FID) overall (bool): Use whole area(combine all polygons) as a result. (default=False) Returns: dict """ raster = [raster] if isinstance(raster, Raster) else list(raster) shp = ogr.Open(shp_path) layer = shp.GetLayer() result = {} if overall: r = [r.clip_by_layer(layer) for r in raster] if len(r) == 1: r = r[0] result["overall"] = r # Group features by field values. shp_features = {} for feature in layer: shp_features.setdefault(feature[by] if by else feature.GetFID(), []) shp_features[feature[by] if by else feature.GetFID()].append(feature) for key, feature in shp_features.items(): r = [r.clip_by_feature(feature) for r in raster] if len(r) == 1: r = r[0] result[key] = r return result
[docs]def zonal_apply(raster, shp, func, by=None, overall=False, args=(), kwargs={}): """Apply a function to each zone. Args: raster (Raster or list of Raster): One or more rasters. shp_path (str): Shapefile path. func (function): Function to apply to each zone. by (str): Field name, used to group polygons.(default=FID) overall (bool): Use whole area(combine all polygons) as a result. (default=False) Returns: dict """ splited = split_by_shp(raster, shp, by, overall) result = {} for i, rs in splited.items(): rs = [rs] if isinstance(rs, Raster) else rs result[i] = func(*rs, *args, **kwargs) return result
def uniform_mask(*args, ignore_invalid=True, return_mask=False, inplace=False): if ignore_invalid: masks = [x.mask for x in args] else: args = [ for x in args] masks = [x.mask for x in args] mask = reduce(lambda x, y: x | y, masks) if return_mask: return mask if not inplace: args = [i.copy() for i in args] for x in args: x.mask = mask return args